Coding Period: Week 2 (June 20-June 24)

Implementing addition of TEI to the NeoRoo program, building the profile screen and fetching TEI details


1 min read

On further discussion with mentors, there were slight changes that needed to be made in the plan based on the requirements of the app. This app must be in line with the ECEB app and must serve as its continuation. To save time, I added unit tests to the authentication flow and then worked on implementing the adding TEI flow. The network requests were cached in case of network failures.

What progress have you made this week?

Unit tests for Authentication

I have written unit tests for the authentication flow, including the repository and bloc classes and have used mockito library to simulate mock function calls where necessary.

Initial More Options Page

On logging in to the app, this page is in the last tab of the bottom navbar and has some different functionality based on who has logged in (medical professional or family member).

Enrolling the TEI and Showing Details

I completed the TEI enrollment flow which can be done from the medical professional app.

What I plan to do next week?

Next week, I plan to create STS visualization components, create components to display the videos and bookmarking video facility.
