Coding Period: Week 1 (June 13-June 17)

Implementing the NeoRoo login flow for traditional and local authentication, setting up CI/CD pipeline and incorporating app localization


2 min read

The NeoRoo project I had undertaken, was a completely new project and I had to start right from bootstrapping a flutter app using "flutter create". I analyzed the ECEB app and followed the similar coding practice. I decided to use Bloc for state management.

What progress have you made this week?

Traditional Login Flow

This login flow was similar to the ECEB app developed earlier. I made a small enhancement that the organization does not have to be manually entered. Instead there is a page giving the users a choice to select the organization before proceeding. The merge request can be found here.

Local Authentication

This is another enhancement I proposed. The credentials can be saved securely in the local hive database. The user can use the local authentication option to access the saved profiles on completing the native device local authentication. This can save time for medical professionals who might have multiple profiles for multiple hospitals using NeoRoo. The merge request can be found here.

Setting up a CI/CD pipeline

I created a basic CI/CD pipeline for flutter apps using gitlab-ci. This will need changes as we incorporate unit testing. The merge request can be found here.


If we are targeting a global user pool, we must take into consideration the language preferences. I have incorporated localizations right from the start. The static content of the app is available in English, Hindi, German and Arabic.

What I plan to do next week?

Next week, I plan to implement addition of TEI in the homepage and create a mock peripheral. Then initiate connection between mock BLE and the app.
